by Earle Mack Editor | Jul 14, 2016 | Earle I. Mack, Earle Mack, Op-eds
By Earle I. Mack Oh, to be in Cleveland now that summers here.. When in Cleveland, Republican delegates deserve the right to vote their conscience. While some of Trump opponents have pushed the “conscience clause” as a last gasp to prevent him from...
by Earle Mack Editor | Jul 14, 2016 | Earle I. Mack, Earle Mack, Op-eds
By Earle I. Mack “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” Winston Churchill’s words ring with more clarity than they have in decades as the world absorbs the impact of the Brits slip on the existential banana peel known as the Brexit...
by Earle Mack Editor | May 24, 2016 | Earle I. Mack, Earle Mack, Op-eds
By Earle I. Mack As a lifelong Republican, who has always been realistic on social issues and conservative on fiscal and governmental issues, I would be deeply dismayed if we lost control of Congress because Republican hardliners in the Senate, blinded by politics,...
by Earle Mack Editor | Mar 25, 2016 | Earle I. Mack, Earle Mack, Op-eds
By Earle I. Mack (March 23rd, 2016) For the past several months, we’ve seen story after story detailing secret meetings and strategies emanating from the so-called GOP establishment and its plans to stop Trump. Last weekend was no different as one group of donors and...
by Earle Mack Editor | Feb 15, 2016 | Earle I. Mack, Earle Mack, Op-eds
By Earle I. Mack “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” These famous words from the movie “Network” could just as easily describe the voters at the Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary. Republicans, outraged at a president who usurps his power and a...