Earle I Mack as the Ambassador to Finland
Earle I Mack was sworn in as the Ambassador to Finland in 2004.
Ambassador Earle I Mack was nominated for Ambassador to Finland from President George W. Bush. He presented himself to the President of Finland, Tarja Halonen on June 10, 2004. Earle Mack replaced Bonnie McElveen Hunter, who served as the Ambassador to Finland in Helsinki from December 2001 until 2004. Earle I Mack served as Ambassador to Finland for one year and retired from the position in 2005.
As an Ambassador to Finland, Earle Mack represented the United States, specifically the President, to the country. As head of the embassy, Mack oversaw foreign relations as well as any Americans that ran into trouble while visiting the country. Ambassadors also host dinners, promote the interests of the United States, and maintain peace. The United States was one of the first countries to recognize Finland as an independent state from Russia in 1917. There are currently about 3,000 Americans living in Finland, with 200,000 visitors from the United States annually. Foreign relations with the country are warm.
Of the position, Earle Mack told John Nelander of Palm Beach Daily, “When the president of the United States calls and asks you to represent him in a country, you do it, and I was quite honored to do it. The Fins are very straightforward people, and hard working. They have a great tradition of being transparent. They are looked upon for their leadership in Scandinavia. The country has just 5.5 million people, and the public education system is the best in the world. They have a 99 percent literacy rate. They have socialized medicine; there’s no favoritism. And the care is good.”
Resources For Ambassador Earle Mack:
- View the Council of American Ambassadors for a biography of Ambassador Earle I Mack.
- View the announcement of Earle I Mack’s nomination to Ambassador in Finland’s Helsingin Sanomat.
- View Earle Mack’s biography from the U.S. Department of State
Ambassador Earle I Mack Hosts a Reception for Team USA, August 8, 2005: